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Laura Allan

Laura AllanWith a background in education, I have been a Parent Governor at SPS since 2016 and have been on several committees before stepping up as Chair in 2022.
Until December 2021, I worked as a Modern Foreign Languages teacher and Leader of Spanish at a local secondary school for 15 years. In January 2022, I became self-employed as a Freelance Writer and now work with clients all over the world. I write across a range of topics including medico-legal writing, CPD resources, as well as GCSE and education content.
Aside from work, I am a keen runner, so you may see me pounding Skelton’s pavements or scrambling over Huntcliff training for my latest race! I am also fond of the stage and regularly perform in amateur dramatics productions locally. I live in Skelton with my husband and two children who both attend SPS.