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My name is Laura Allan and I am Chair of the governing body at Skelton Primary School. I extend a warm welcome to all visitors to the Governors’ page of our website.

Governors are a body of people dedicated to ensuring the best provision for the children and school community at SPS. The governing body is responsible for overseeing the strategic rather than day-to-day side of the school, enabling the school to run as effectively as possible. The governing body has three core functions, as set out by the Department for Education:

  • To ensure the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school.
  • To hold the headteacher to account for the school’s educational performance.
  • To ensure financial resources are well spent.

To ensure that Skelton has effective governance, governors are elected and appointed from the wider community of Skelton as well as parents and staff within the school. The headteacher is also a member of the governing body. Skelton’s governors bring a wide range of skills and expertise to the governing body and have a rich variety of knowledge as well as diverse perspectives.

Our governors work tirelessly to support the school’s highest aspirations and to improve its performance through providing informed challenge. Working as a ‘critical friend’ of the school, we engage in regular monitoring of data including pupil progress data and attendance.

We meet formally as a full governing body twice a term. Additionally, committees within the governing body that have specific responsibilities have additional meetings, such as the Resources, Employment and Finance Committee. Minutes of our meetings are available to view in school. The governors’ presence around school is an important part of our role and governors aim to make frequent visits.

If you would like to know more about the role of the governing body or are interested in joining us, please contact the headteacher Sarah Walker ( or me ( We welcome any questions or queries you may have.

Who’s Who
Meet the Governors

Governing Body Membership
Governing Body Membership
Committee Membership

Governing Body of Skelton Primary School – Business / Pecuniary Interests
Register of Governor Interests – 2023/2024

Governing Body Attendance
Attendance 21-22
Attendance 22-23

Committee Structure and Terms of reference
Committee Structure and Terms of reference

Code of Conduct
Governor Code of conduct 2021

Governors’ Handbook
Governor Handbook