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Medical Needs

Health and safety medicine
We consider the safety of your children of paramount importance and ensure that the school does everything possible to keep everybody, children and adults alike, safe.
Please do not drive your car onto the school premises. Try to park away from the school and walk the short distance using the dedicated paths into school. If you need to use the car to drop off or collect, please park cons iderately following the highway code.

As part of our travel plan, we are trying to reduce congestion and become more environmentally friendly. We encourage children to walk to school where possible and have bike sheds for those able to ride or scoot. Please note that pupils are responsible for the security of their own transportation whilst stored on site.

Visitors are required to sign in as they arrive and wear a lanyard while on the premises. All members of staff wear ID badges and members of staff are expected to challenge anyone on the premises not wearing ID.

Dogs are not allowed on school premises at any time including during school events or functions- be they walking or being carried. This does not include guide dogs.

Please note that Skelton Primary School is a non- smoking site, this includes E-cigarettes.

Medicines castle
Please inform us if your child develops a specific medical problem. Medicines should be administered by parents/ carers wherever possible. Where this is not possible, we will do what we can to help. Medicines should be named and delivered directly to the front office, a form will need to be completed as it is handed over.

Children with asthma should have two inhalers in school all of the time; one in their tray and one spare in the office. Parents/ carers must complete a medical form at the office. Children must manage their own use of inhalers and remember to take them on visits. All inhalers and medication will be returned home at the end of the school year for updating.

Medication Permission and Record Form

It is very important to keep your child at home for at least 48 hours after suffering from sickness and diarrhoea as this is quickly and easily passed.If your child is unwell at school or appears to be suffering from a contagious condition you will be asked to take them home.

Allergy protocol
Redcar & Cleveland allergy protocol are followed in school. Any parents/ carers of children who suffer from an allergy should inform the school on their SIMs application form or as soon as any intolerances occur.

First Aid
All staff were trained in emergency first aid during 2011. We have a number of staff in addition with more extensive qualifications. If any incident is deemed to be serious enough, parents/ carers will be contacted immediately.

Healthy Schools
Skelton is once again proud of the Healthy Schools status renewed in July 2014 and keen to continue promoting healthy lifestyles to all involved with the school.

Healthy children achieve well at school. It is our aim to support healthy lifestyle decisions and to educate our children so that these decisions are informed by an awareness, knowledge and understanding of health and wellbeing.

Cash and valuables
We would prefer children not to bring cash to school unless absolutely necessary. If there is a need, money should be given to a teacher for safe-keeping. We cannot take responsibility for watches, jewellery or valuables and as a result discourage them from coming into school. Children are not to bring mobile phones into school – they are not needed. The school office will be able to contact parents if needed as well as relay any messages from home to school.