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At Skelton Primary School, we believe that the ability to be able to read, along with the love of reading, is key to helping our pupils reach their full potential. We aim to equip our pupils with the necessary skills to decode words and to become confident, fluent readers. Our Curriculum is organised in a way that puts reading at the very heart of it; so that every ‘Big Idea’ is supported with high quality texts which enable our pupils to find out about the world that we live in, as well as be transported to worlds of imagination. In addition, high quality children’s literature runs alongside the teaching and learning of writing and children are encouraged to discover the joy in reading books by a wide range of authors including Emma Carroll, Ted Hughes, Charles Dickens, Nizrana Farook among others. Children are also encouraged to read poetry and to learn by heart poems for performance to different audiences.
At Skelton we use the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme.