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Rights Respecting School

We are a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School!

Skelton Primary School aims to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential.

As part of this plan we have achieved the Silver : Rights Aware recognition as a ‘Rights Respecting School’, an award given to schools on behalf of Unicef UK.

Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children and young people and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world agreed that all children have the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential.

All adults (parents, teachers or the government) are known as Duty Bearers. It is our responsibility to make children aware of their rights and to act if their rights are not being met.
Children understand that their rights are inherent, universal, unconditional, inalienable and indivisible.
Here is a short summary of what these words mean:
Inherent – Rights are inherent meaning they are yours because you are born a human.
Indivisible – Rights are indivisible meaning no right is more important than another one. They are equal and linked.
Inalienable – Rights are inalienable meaning you cannot give them away or sell them and no one can take them away from you.
Universal – Rights are universal meaning they are for all children (under 18), everywhere, all the time.
Unconditional – Rights are unconditional meaning they are not a reward and not dependent on a responsibility or performing an action to get them.

Skelton Primary School pupils will learn about their rights by putting them into practice every day. A Rights Respecting School models rights and respect in all its relationships.

To achieve Silver: Rights Aware means there is evidence that shows:
• our school is explicitly embedding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in our policy, practice and culture
• our school is promoting knowledge and understanding of the Convention throughout your school community
• our school is putting into action and developing the plans outlined on our Action Plan for Silver, which was submitted to achieve our Bronze: Rights Committed Award
• our school is beginning to see the positive impact of these actions our children, staff, and on our school’s ethos, practice and environment
• our pupils are beginning to see themselves as rights respecting global citizens and advocates for fairness and children’s rights, both locally and globally

We really hope that you will be able to support our school on our journey on being a Unicef UK Rights Respecting School.

For further information about Rights Respecting Schools please visit: