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Safety At School

Parents or Carers visiting the school
Parents and carers must only enter school via the main office.
All visitors to school must use the ‘signing in’ procedures in operation at the time of their visit.
All adults in school have responsibility for the safety of all school users.

Fire Drills
Fire drills for all children and staff are held termly. An annual Health and Safety audit is conducted by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council.
Food preparation areas are inspected by the Local Authority. We have consistently received a 5 Star rating, the highest available.
A responsible adult MUST collect children at the end of the normal school day; this applies to all year groups up to and including Year 3. Families may use their discretion in Year 4, 5 and 6, but in any case should inform school if and adult will not be collecting their child, or if they are varying their normal arrangements.
Arrangements for collecting children should be very clear, especially during the ‘darker’, winter months.

Parents and carers should be aware that children will not normally be allowed to walk home after the completion of an evening or After School Activity, without specific written consent.

Disabled Parking
For children/ family with a disability there is marked parking place for safe access. Families should approach the barrier in the visitor car park.

Traveling to school by bike
Footpaths should be used to reach the playgrounds and not the central roadway. Cyclists must dismount on reaching the school site. Scooters, roller boots, in-line skates and any other wheeled items must not be used within our site.

Dogs, and other animals, are not allowed on the school site (walking or being carried). We welcome trainee dogs who are learning how to support partial sighted or hearing individuals, as well as dogs from the police and other services. Please contact school if this is a concern. Families walking their dog to school are asked to secure their pet well away from the school gates.

Collecting and dropping your child off
Children should make their way safely to school. Entrances are manned by school staff and while parents/ carers are welcome to escort their children to class we would encourage them to say goodbye at the gate if they are comfortable to do so. Children from Year 4 and upwards are allowed to walk home on their own with your permission. Children up to and including Year 3 should be collected by a responsible adult (not a school child U16). In the event of a parent/carer being unwell and struggling to collect, please notify the office and we can arrange for collection from the front car park. We will only hand over to designated adults and so please be patient if we need to check up a child’s exit details, if for whatever reason you would like a different adult to collect, please notify the office.

We encourage all parents and children to walk to school. Parking is particularly difficult on both sides of our site and consideration and extreme care is urged from all car users. Please do not park on the pavements, grass verges and yellow zig-zag lines. Our crossing patrols on Bylands Road, Station Lane and Saltburn Lane operate from 8.15 to 9 each morning and 2.45 to 3.20 each evening. There are no crossing patrols at lunchtime or for children taking part in after school clubs or returning later from educational visits.

Educational visits
Educational visits are very carefully planned by teachers, in accordance with our approved Educational Visits Policy. This document can be obtained from the School Office. You will be asked for your written permission at the beginning of each year to allow your child to take part in visits and activities off the school site during the year ahead. Please return it to school promptly.

Security at Skelton
Security is taken very seriously in our school. All of our buildings are fully enclosed by our security fence. No external, classroom door can be opened from the outside. Children arriving after 08.40am and all parents and visitors may enter only via the Main Entrance, which is controlled by a security device. The school is fully alarmed against intruders outside of normal school hours. The whole school have a lockdown practice at least once a term and regularly talk about how to keep themselves safe.

Smoking, vaping or the consumption of alcohol is not permitted on any part of our site.