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School Meals


School dinners are freshly prepared on site in our school kitchen and offer a varied choice of tasty, value for money, nutritious meals. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free meal every day. The cost is £2.00 per day in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6, you must pay weekly, alternatively, monthly or termly in advance. If you feel your child is entitled to free school meals, an application form is available from the school office, please do not be put off by this, the process is very discrete and the entitlement provides very heavily subsidised trips, residentials and much more throughout your child’s primary years.

If you decide to try a packed lunch, please help us to promote healthy eating by providing a healthy balanced lunch:

  • Avoiding drinks (water is provided)
  • Avoiding foods that contain additives & colourings, sweets, chocolate & high sugar, salty & fatty foods.

Please remember to use a cool pack and make sure that packed lunch boxes are named.

All changes to meal arrangements should be made in writing with one week’s notice.

Lunchtime is an important social occasion and children are encouraged to mix across age groups. Reception children have table service. Our senior staff provide the necessary support and supervision in the hall, particularly for the younger boys and girls.

Family Recipe and Activity Pack_Summer 2021
Meet free Mondays Primary factsheet
Mellors Added Value Programme for Summer and Autumn 2021

What is a healthy packed lunch?
Lunchbox Tips