Contact Us Term Dates


Entry to Foundation Stage 1

Children can join us the term after their third birthday. Parents should call into the office to register their child’s details and our staff will make contact shortly before their start date to arrange a home visit to meet you and your child. We will then arrange a start date with you and you can make short visits with your child to familiarise yourselves with routes and environments and staff.

Entry to Foundation Stage 2

We begin the transition process in the Summer Term before your child starts full time school. Our Nursery staff support the children to share stories, activity sessions and stay for lunch. transition1

Wearing full school uniform, staying for lunch and working for a full day is an exciting prospect and children are supported to make it smooth and fun.

We offer a welcome meeting in the Autumn term and share information on organisation and routines. There is plenty of opportunity to talk with staff and ask any questions.

Annual transition

Moving to a new teacher and a new classroom is an exciting time and we begin transition after Easter with shared assemblies, visits and joint activities as well as several weeks of ‘shuffle up’ time. We do all we can to ensure transition is smooth and effective.

We want all our new children to feel happy, safe and secure. The quicker they settle in, the more confident they become helping them to develop independence, and enjoy their learning.

Liaison between the sending/ receiving teacher is a crucial factor which enables us to ‘get to know’ our new children- not just their academic levels but their learning styles, their successes and their talents. In this way the children will ‘hit the ground running’ in September.

Secondary transition

The transition to secondary school is a crucial time and we strive to prepare our children and equip them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to continue their learning journey.transition2

Our children move on to a variety of schools. We are fortunate to have a range of good secondary schools in the local area and are confident that all our children will find a school that meets their needs.

We facilitate comprehensive transition through:

  • Close liaison with all our secondary schools
  • Year 6 teaching staff share their knowledge about each child with their future schools and provide detailed information in response to secondary school request.
  • Our children in Year 5 have the opportunity to visit local non-selective schools for ‘taster sessions’. This not only promotes good liaison but also offers the children an early secondary school experience.
  • Secondary staff teach sessions of our More Able pupils in Year 6 each year. This bonds our relationships and lets the secondary schools see what our children are capable of!