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Uniform Order

Uniform & equipment

At Skelton, we take great pride in our uniform. What a child wears to school reflects his/ her attitude to learning, it portrays the school’s ethos and shared positive values. It provides a symbol of our commitment to the school and its practices and most importantly makes us all look and feel the same, all equal members of the same family.

School Uniform:

Grey/ black trousers or skirt / pinafore

White polo shirt / blouse

Red sweatshirt / cardigan (featuring the school logo optional)

Red fleece jacket (Optional)

Grey, black or white socks

Grey or black tights

Red gingham dress

Flat shoes – black shoes or black trainers (brightly coloured shoes or those containing flashing lights are discouraged, also high heels should not to be worn for health and safety reasons)

PE Kit:

Children should attend school wearing their PE kit on the appropriate day (see year group page for details)

PE Kit consists of:

White round-necked t-shirt

Red shorts

Trainers or Plimsolls

Dark blue / black tracksuit or jogging bottoms / sweatshirt (winter)

The only item of jewellery appropriate for school is a watch and one pair of plain studs for pierced ears. All jewellery must be removed before a PE lesson. We appeal to parents to have ears pierced at the end of July to avoid any missing of lessons. If a child forgets to remove jewellery before coming to school, they will be asked to remove it and place it in their tray until 3pm.  We cannot accept responsibility for any lost jewellery.

Please note that extreme hairstyles such as excessive beading, use of hair dye, shaven marks or notable variations in length are neither necessary nor desirable in school and therefore should not be worn.

Long hair must be tied back to reduce the possible transference of headlice and also for health and safety reasons in PE

The definition of an extreme hairstyle is at the discretion of the headteacher.


Thank You