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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Welcome you to our Year 3 home page. We have planned an exciting curriculum that we hope helps the children enjoy being writers, mathematicians and readers. We hope that the children learn skills that help them become life-long learners.

Please get in touch with the team should you have any questions about your child’s Year 3 Journey.

Welcome Meeting

Big Ideas…

Title Duration Purpose
Autumn 1
05/09—27/108 weeks
Around the World in 80 days 4 weeks We want the children to know about the world that they live in; where places are and how people and communities are linked. We want children to grow up to care about where they live and know how and why they should look after it.
Settlers and Invaders 3 weeks This Big Idea allows children to understand how different people at different times move, invade and settle in new places
RE Unit 1 – 1 week
Autumn 2
7 weeks
Why We Remember 1 week We celebrate Remembrance at Church and in the build up to this service it is important that children understand why we remember the contribution of people during war time.
Cracking Coding 2 weeks Computing and coding is a new generation skill and it is something that we want our children to be skilled and ready for the challenges of living in a digital world.
What a Performance! 3 weeks This Big idea is an opportunity for the children to ready themselves for the annual Christmas performances. It wouldn’t be Christmas without a school performance!
RE Unit 2 – 1 week
Spring 1
09/01 – 09/02
5 weeks
Art Attack 3 weeks We are lucky to have an incredibly artistic and creative bunch of children at Skelton and this Big Idea is an opportunity to hone art skills and get creative.
Keep it safe 1 week This is all about Online Safety. It is of paramount importance that all children learn how to stay safe on line.
RE unit 3 – 1 week
Spring 2

19/02 – 22/03

6 weeks

Time Travellers 3 weeks Another opportunity to learn about how people in the past lived and how their actions impact on what we do today.
Just Imagine 1 week This is a week of learning all dedicated to books of all shapes and sizes. This is the week of World Book Day, which is something that we love to celebrate!
Time 1 week This Big Idea is all about Science and links closely to British Science week, which many school’s take part in. We are always looking for our next Sir Isaac Newton.
RE unit 4 – 1 week
Summer 1

08/04– 24/05
7 weeks

The Great Outdoors! 4 weeks In this Big idea we hope to create opportunities for children to study the local and natural environments that surround us. We aim to give children opportunity to do some fieldwork!
Golden Nugget 1 week A week of learning that is chosen by the Year Group. The Year groups staff will be watching throughout the year to see what the children enjoy and get excited about!
Skelton Sports Week 1 week Pretty much what it says on the tin! This week is also be when we be holding the annual year group sports days.
RE unit 5 – 1 week
Summer 2
7 weeks
Summer Fayre 3 weeks This year we will be holding a Summer Fayre instead of a Christmas Fayre. In the build up, the children will be designing and building crafts to sell.
Let Me Entertain You 2 weeks Two weeks of learning that is based around music and performance that culminates in our famous Skelton Proms
RE Unit 6 – 1 week
Faster, Higher, Stronger 1 week This last Big Idea is a nod to the upcoming Olympic Games. An exciting way to finish the year!