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Big Ideas

Autumn Term Full Steam Ahead (2 Weeks)
PSHE, Well-Being, Behaviour, Aspirations In week one we want to create a sense of belonging amongst the children to their new class and environment, to learn about expectations for the year, to establish a positive classroom charter, to set targets to learn about our school and what it means to give a little extra oomph. What does it mean to be a pupil at Skelton Primary School?

On Our Doorstep (4 weeks)
This is the first of two history units where the children learn about an era specified on the Skelton History Learning Pathway.

Keep Calm and Carry On (2 weeks)
Remembrance and History and Art
At Skelton we celebrate Remembrance in a big way and commemorate with a Church service. However, the children only learn about WW2 in Year 6. It is important that we explain why we do this and it is also part of the curriculum that looks at British Values – democracy, civil rights and tolerance.
Across school how we deliver this and the messages that we give to the children will vary according to age. It is important that the children learn, in language relevant to them, what War is.

Santa’s Grotto (5 weeks)
Enterprise, community, DT and Science links
Christmas is a busy time of year and we ensure that we make the most of it by designing, evaluating and making Christmas decorations to sell at the Christmas fayre. Community and Enterprise are key drivers here. Children will develop skills according to the Skelton DT Learning Pathway
We also begin to rehearse and learn songs for the Christmas performances, make calendars and Christmas Cards.

Spring Term
Extreme Earth(5 Weeks)
Geography and Science
This is where we teach the children about the world, what it looks like and how we need to look after it. Each Year group will have a specified part of the world to explore according to the Skelton Geography Pathway.

The Lands that Time Forgot (4 Weeks)
This is the second of two history units where the children learn about an era specified on the Skelton History Learning Pathway

Summer Term
Art Attack (2 Weeks)
Creative Arts  (Art and Design, Design Technology)
A quick two week Arts Special. Year Groups will have freedom to get creative and build, develop skills from within the Art Learning Pathway

Jubilee Jamboree (2 Weeks)
Current Affairs
This year marks the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. In order to commemorate we will build a Big Idea question around The Queen, The Royal Family and the Monarchy

Reach for The Stars (5 Weeks)
PSHE, Music, Performance
An opportunity to reflect on current affairs in the world, our school curriculum and to provide the children exposure to difference especially cultures, ethnicities, races and disabilities. An amazing opportunity to celebrate diversity in the world and educate our children as tolerant and respectful people.

This Is Me (1 Week)
This is the transition period in school where children meet the new teachers and prepare for a move. They will celebrate what makes them special and reflect on the year and their achievements, current aspirations and next year.

National Curriculum
